In January your children will embark on their GCSE
courses with them taking their GCSE exams at the end
of the Fifth Form. We teach a foundation course in the
first term of the Third Form to provide a broad range
of subjects and an introduction to general academic
themes. GCSEs Online Course is a conscious decision to avoid premature
specialisation, before pupils make their GCSE choices.
Stoics would be overloaded if they continued with the
same number of subjects up to GCSE level and it is
important that their effort is not spread too thinly and,
therefore, some choices must now be make.
How to Get GCSE Qualifications
Before any exam you will receive a personalised timetable. GCSEs Online Course information
on this timetable is important, it will tell you when and where your exams
will take place, and where you will be seating. It will also show the name
which will appear on your certificate.
You may have an examination clash and may have to sit your exams at a
different time to the rest of your year group. If this happens you will be
contacted before the written start with details of what you need to do on the
It is important that you keep your timetable and bring it with you to all your
exams; you may be refused entry if you do not have it.
Best Online GCSE course
At Canford, pupils usually take ten GCSEs from nine subjects (English Literature and English Language are taught together). English and Mathsare taken by everybody. In the Fourth Form, pupils all follow a non examined course in Philosophy, Ethics and Spirituality, details of which are contained in this book. In GCSEs Online Course the school’s Global Connections course opens up new horizons for our Fourth Form pupils to consider and, in the Fifth Form, there is a bespoke Enrichment programme which allows pupils to explore academic projects beyond the curriculum, and encourages them to think beyond and around the knowledge and ideas they acquire in their normal subjects.
How To Get My GCSEs Fast
Choosing to take GCSEs via distance learning means you can gain a qualification whilst studying from home, at your own pace
GCSE Online Courses for Adults
●Careers and Higher Education Guidance
The aim of the Careers/HE Department is to provide a supportive and impartial service that will help pupils to ask and to answer the right questionsso that they may proceed in an informed way to make decisions about their future. These decisions will be made by the pupils. No-one will try to tell them what they have to do, but manypeople (in addition to the Careers Department), such as parents, friends, house staff, and teachers, may all have relevant and helpful things to say, or can direct them towards someone or some reference that does.Pupils need to understand some things about themselves, about their likes and dislikes, about their talents and skills, and about what sort of lifestyle they want to follow.
Benefits of Studying GCSE?
As can be seen from the list of topics, All GCSEs Online Course gives you the scientific information you need to make informed choices about scientific issues that affect the way you live. The GCSE will show that you have developed the key skills of Application of Number, Communication and Information Technology. It also covers the fundamental scientific principles needed for all science A levels and scientific careers. Physics is thought of as a challenging subject, but good grades are easily obtainable by all Canfordians, providing they are appropriately motivated.